OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

6 May 1981

(Senate Minute pages: 1869-1898)

Meeting No. 118 was called to order at 7:07 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 1981 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union by Senate President O. David Boutilier.

The roll was called by the Secretary. Twenty four members or alternates were present. Absent were Abata (AL); Alexander/Monson (BA); Frick/Reynolds (NU); Johnson/Hocking (IMR); Kapp/Gappy (PE); Powlick (Student Council); Sloan/Horvath (EE); Synder/Suryanarayana (ME-EM); Gimmestad (KRC); Stein (MTU President). A quorum for the conducting of business was in attendance.

Acknowledgement of Visitors: Ms. E. Erickson was present.

The Minutes of Meeting No. 117 - Minutes of Meeting 117 were approved as presented.

President's Report:

President Boutilier announced the receipt of a report from the Sabbatical Leave Committee (Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Vice President's Reports on Academic Council and Board of Control Meetings

There has not been a meeting of the Board of Control since the last Senate meeting.

The Academic Council met on May 5, 1981. Because of the timing, the following will suffice as a formal report. The following major items were discussed.

  1. The University rule concerning the number of hours students could repeat.
  2. Proposed changes in Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) and Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) regulations.

Vice President Lucier indicated that the rule concerning the number of hours a student could repeat has been ignored because it has been unenforceable. Now, with available computer programming, the University could enforce the rule. After discussion, it was agreed that this action would be taking effect with the incoming class. This method was decided upon in the spirit of equity.

Dr. Shirley proposed that a full time GTA be defined as one taking nine credits, with an exception possible during the last term, and that GTAs and GRAs be treated equally in the area of stipends.

Dr. Gale announced that year-end funds were available to support research, teaching, and some remodeling, and that he had in hand a proposal that monies be raised to remodel Sherman Gym to provide theater and Humanities Department office space.

A general discussion followed which indicated a preference to study the repeat rule before enforcement is implemented and further defining Dr. Shirley's proposal. It was finally indicated that the proposal concerning GTAs and GRAs was just that and further action may be necessary.


Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

Senator Agin announced that the committee questionnaire on the goals and objectives of Freshman English had been sent to the faculty and that the results of the survey will be reported at the first meeting of the Fall term.

Alternate Senator Barbara Lide from the Humanities Department asked to speak to one question on the survey. She read from a letter from Professor Arne Erlebach questioning the statement in the survey that "no research indicates that spelling, grammar, and correct word usage cannot be taught" and countering with the fact that they are being taught at MTU. Professor Erlebach expressed concern that this misinformation might be taken as fact and lead to undermining the freshman English sequence.

Senator Nelson, responding for the sub-committee which prepared the survey, indicated that the meaning was to be "taught successfully" instead of "taught" and apologized for the misinterpretation.

B. Institutional Evaluation

Senator Hague announced that responses to the survey on Departmental Leadership were slowly coming in and encouraged the faculty to submit them even now.

C. Instructional Policy

Senator Heckel reported that during the most recent meeting, they discussed the present and possible future problems with faculty/student ratios. He stated that the sentiment of the committee was that this may be time to start thinking about a long-range plan for the campus in regard to these problems.

D. Elections Committee

Senator Givens requested that departments which had Senators whose terms were expiring, hold elections and inform him of the results. He also announced that an election was to be held to fill the vacancy on the Sabbatical Leave Committee and that ballots were sent to the faculty for the Senator At Large and Academic Tenure Committee vacancy elections.

Dallas Bates, Darryl Smith and Richard Heckel were nominated to fill the one vacancy and their names were to be sent to President Stein for his selection.

F. Joint Committee on Relations Between the Senate and Faculty Association

Senator Pintar deferred to Emily Erickson to report to the Senate as AMSF Delegate (See Appendix B - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Ms. Erickson was thanked for her efforts and the quality of the service she has given the University in her role as delegate.

G. Faculty Fringe Benefits

Senator Reynolds reported that the Administration felt that this was not the time to institute an early retirement program for faculty. He recommended that identification of schools which had these programs and were related to MTU and the possibility of bringing this benefit for non exempt personnel be brought to the bargaining table and be pursued.

He further stated that the Administration was opposed to pressing the Board of Control for a vote on limited free tuition for faculty spouses.

He also indicated a growing concern of some faculty spouses that they may not be able to continue as part-time students, and reported that Vice President Koepel said that this was under review.

Senator Reynolds pointed out the importance of strong fringe benefits in the recruiting of new faculty and encouraged its continued pursuit.

Further discussion on the problem of faculty spouses and others pursuing their education on a part-time basis resulted in an acknowledgement that faculty members were leaving because of this problem and proposed that the Senate indicate its support allowing spouses of employees of MTU to continue to enroll in courses at Michigan Technological University and that they would not be given the lowest priority as far as being dropped from courses that appear to be overloaded.

The proposal was voted on and passed as a "sense of the Senate" and a legitimate faculty concern.

G. Promotions Policy Committee

Senator Rivard announced committee agreement with the ad hoc Board of Control report on the subject of faculty appointment and promotion and tenure policies and practices. The Committee recommended its (see Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office) adoption in lieu of Proposal 2-81.

H. Admission Reforms for Undergraduate Foreign Students

Senator Nelson stated that a motion would be forthcoming next week.

I. Committee on Committees - No Report.


Old Business

Senator Agin recommended the adoption of the amendment to Senate Proposal 18-78: Senate Committee on the University Budget as it appears on page 1866 of the Senate minutes.

The motion was seconded and adopted.

New Business

Senator Reynolds requested the Senate's assistance in resolving a Chemistry/Chemical Engineering problem concerning the freedom of the department's election committee for Promotion and Tenure (see Appendix D - Available by Request from the Senate Office). The lack of a University ombudsman was cited as the reason that this matter was being brought to the Senate as a whole.

Citing the seriousness of the matter, the Senate President will pursue the matter and report at the next Faculty Senate meeting.


Being there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m.